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Flexible Loans. Simple Process.

We know banks don't always lend to those they should. Don't worry. We're here for you.

Non-standard? No problem.

We’re not a traditional bank and provide flexible financing. If you’re an investor in need of a Bridge Loan or Rental Loan, we can help. And if you need a non-conforming consumer mortgage, we’ll be ready for you soon.

Come to us for any of your mortgage needs.

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Simple process. Fast close.

We have the ability to close loans in under 10 days. How are we so fast? We leverage leading technology, a great user experience, Big Data, and streamlined operations to make accurate lending decisions quickly.

See how we do it. Get your rate here in just 3 minutes.

We take service seriously. Seriously.

We find the best and brightest team members to concierge your experience. Used to dealing with traditional banks? Expect the opposite. We’re your reliable partner that will work to get you to “yes”.

Your loan specialist is waiting to help. Meet yours today.

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How It Works

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1. Apply online in minutes

We made the application process a breeze. Fill in your info, upload your documents, and we handle the rest.

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2. Get the lowest rate

We connect to many investors to get you the lowest rate possible. We do the heavy lifting so you don’t have to.

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3. Close your financing

We lend directly to you and then you make simple monthly payments to us. It’s really just that easy.

Need a loan for your investment property?

We provide short-term Bridge Loans for acquisition or rehab and longer term financing for single-asset Rental Loans.

Get Your Rate →

Need a loan for your home?

We will soon provide a variety of non-conforming consumer mortgages products. Been denied? We’d love to hear what you need.

Learn More →

Common Questions

  • What loan programs do you offer?

    FlipLend offers a breadth of programs today including Bridge Loans, Rental Loans, and soon to be Consumer Mortgages. Our initial programs focus on property investors who need financing either for a home they intend to re-sell or for a stabilized rental asset.

  • What’s the process to get a loan from you?

    The process is simple, fast, reliable, and 100% online. To apply for a loan, signup as a borrower to get started. We’ll ask you a few quick questions about you and the home you’re interested in and then give you a customized rate -- all in about 3 minutes. From there we make it incredibly easy to finish a full application in just 20 minutes. You will simply answer a few remaining questions and upload the required documentation. We’ll verify your information, and if everything checks out, you will often close in 10-14 days.

  • What states are you lending in?

    FlipLend lends in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia. Many more states are coming in the near future.

  • Are you a broker or a lender?

    FlipLend is a direct lender. We lend our own funds to make sure you close reliably and on time. After closing we generally sell those loans to our investors via secondary sale transactions.

  • How much documentation do I need to provide?

    As soon as you finish your prequalification, we’ll generate a custom checklist of the minimum amount of information you need to provide to us. If you have everything ready, you can be done in about 20 minutes. If not, you can always come back later and finish any remaining elements.

    If there’s documentation that a traditional mortgage provider would ask you for but is not needed for your loan, our system automatically recognizes that and removes the requirement. Our goal is to minimize work for you and maximize ease.

  • Who can I talk to for support?

    We're standing by. Please call 1-888-221-6663, Help@tierralc.com, or live chat with us if you need help at any point.

Why borrow with FlipLend?

Flexible Financing

We have loan products to serve the needs of many types of borrowers even though banks may not.

Fast and Simple

A focus on technology allows us to have the fastest, simplest process around.

Reliable Partner

You can count on us to run a transparent process and always close on time.

Ready to get your custom rate?

Simple application, fast close, reliable terms. Apply in minutes.

Get Your Rate →